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Pre and post Construction Sound Testing

Pre and post Construction Sound Testing

Pre and post Construction Sound Testing

The pre and post Construction sound testing of floors is an important part of ensuring that buildings meet the required sound insulation standards for Building Regulations Part E and/or the sound insulation requirements set out in your lease conditions. Here’s a brief overview for both:

Pre-Construction Sound Testing Overview:

Purpose of the pre-works sound test: To establish the existing sound insulation performance of the floor partitions between you and your neighbour. 

Sound testing process: the pre-works sound test is conducted before any construction work begins. It involves measuring the sound insulation levels of the floor partition to understand the baseline performance.

Importance of preconstruction sound testing: it helps in designing the necessary soundproofing measures to pass the sound test and/or improve the acoustic performance of the floor and ensure compliance with building regulations where required. It’s worth noting that we also offer an acoustic design service for party floors were required. 

Post-Construction Sound Testing

Purpose of the post works sound test: To verify that the soundproofing measures implemented during construction have achieved the desired sound reduction for Building Regulations Part E

Sound testing process: the second test visit is conducted after the construction is completed, but before the building is occupied. It involves similar sound insulation measurements to those done pre-construction.

Importance of post construction sound testing: Ensures that the building meets the required sound insulation standards pf Part E and/or the lease conditions of the block. It also identifies if the new floor construction is as good/better than the existing floor construction.

Would you like more detailed information on any specific aspect of pre and post construction sound insulation testing? If so, please contact Darren direct on 07775623464.

Preconstruction sound testing methodology

The preconstruction sound testing methodology involves several steps to ensure accurate results. Here’s a general guide sound testing steps:

Planning the preconstruction sound test: Schedule the test before any construction work begins. Ensure the area is accessible and free from obstructions. Always make sure doors and windows are installed on the day of the test.

Hire a qualified sound testing company: employ the services of a sound testing company accredited by a recognised body, such as the UKAS – the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. It’s worth noting that we are UKAS accredited to undertake sound testing.

Equipment Setup: The sound test engineer, will set up equipment, including sound sources and receivers, on both sides of the floor partitions, i.e. in your apartment and your neighbour/s below. We also require full access into the neighbouring property below and/or above.

Undertake both Airborne and Impact Tests: always conduct both airborne sound tests (measuring sound transmission through the air i.e. TV, Radio and Speech) and impact sound tests (measuring sound from footsteps or dropped objects) wherever possible. These are the two types of tests required under Building Regulations Part E.

Acoustic data Collection and comparison: the sound test engineers will measure sound levels and compare them against the required standards of Building Regulations Part E. 

Post construction sound testing methodology

Planning the post works sound testing: Schedule the test after construction is complete but before the building is occupied.

Hire a qualified sound tester: Ensure the tester has the correct accreditation such as UKAS etc. and follows the same standards as the pre-construction test.

Sound test equipment setup: Similar to pre-construction, the sound test engineers will set up equipment on both sides of the floor, so will need full access into both properties either side of the party floor.

Airborne and impact sound tests: Repeat the same tests as pre-construction to measure the sound insulation performance after construction works have been completed, so a direct comparison can be made between the acoustic performance of the old and new floor construction.

Acoustic data collection and reporting: The tester will collect data and provide a report detailing whether the sound insulation meets the required standards of Part E and/or the required lease conditions.

Contact APT Sound Testing 

We hope the above article has been helpful. If you would you like more detailed information on any specific step or aspect of our pre and post works sound testing, or would like to book in a sound insulation test, please call APT Sound Testing on 01525 303905 or 07775623464, or email us at

Acoustic Consulting Testing

Acoustic Consulting Testing

Acoustic Consulting Testing Services

Acoustic consulting and sound insulation testing are key for today’s building projects. This is very important for homes and places with different uses. At our company, we have a wide range of acoustic consulting services. APT Sound Testing can take care of sound insulation and noise problems to meet the rules set by Building Regulations Part E and planning needs. Our team includes skilled acoustic consultants who provide full solutions. We help from the design of the project to the final sound testing before it is finished. By offering expert help at every step, we assist developers in getting approval for the acoustic parts of their projects in a cost-effective way.

Sound insulation is important. It helps you follow rules, improves life quality, and increases property value. That’s why we offer a special way to test sound. We ensure your project meets legal standards and remains within your budget.

Sound Insulation Testing: Basic Measurements Setup

The first step in our sound consulting process is to test sound insulation. This means visiting the project site to see how well the walls and floors block sound, especially during changes or updates. These tests provide us with useful information on how well sound is stopped or absorbed by the existing walls between rooms or units.

During these site visits, we look at the walls, floors, and ceilings to see if they meet sound standards. If they do not, we make a design to fix the building’s problems. These changes ensure that your project will follow Building Regulations Part E. This part is about sound performance in new buildings and their changes.

Sample testing plays a key role in our design ideas. By checking how a building controls sound, we can find ways to improve it. This can happen without additional costs or delays.

Complete Sound Design Services: From Start to Finish

Acoustic consulting means more than just testing. It is about creating a full acoustic plan that includes the entire project. It starts with the design and goes all the way to the final soundproofing tests. Our services ensure that every part of your building’s sound performance is handled properly.

Our consultancy process includes:

  1. Initial Site Survey Visits: We start by examining the building closely. This helps us find issues like light blocks or weak soundproofing. These early visits are important for spotting problems like poor sound blocking or low-quality insulation. We also check that the teams are using the manufacturer’s instructions when installing soundproofing materials.
  2. Sample Sound Testing of Existing Construction: After the first visit, we conduct sound tests. This test shows how well the building stops sound. We review the results to create a specific sound plan based on the building’s condition. This ensures any changes fit the building’s needs, improving the cost and success of sound measures.
  3. Acoustic Design Review: In this step, we closely examine the walls and floors of the building. This is important because it helps us ensure that the weight, separation, and soundproofing parts of the design are included. These three parts are vital for good sound blocking:
    • Mass: Heavier materials block sound better as they resist sound waves.
    • Isolation: This means keeping areas of the building separate to prevent sound from passing between them, like using channels or floating floors.
    • Absorption: Materials that soak up sound, such as insulation or sound panels, reduce noise traveling through walls, floors, and ceilings.
  4. By reviewing these elements, we ensure the building meets Approved Document E and will pass the final sound test.
  5. Pre-completion Sound Testing: The last step is pre-completion sound testing, necessary to prove that we follow Building Regulations Part E. This testing looks at both air sound and impact noise between rooms or units.
    • Airborne noise includes sounds that travel through air, like talking, music, or TV noise.
    • Impact noise comes from hitting surfaces, such as footsteps or moving furniture.
  6. Pre-completion sound testing confirms that the building prevents sound from traveling properly, meeting the noise reduction rules.

Approved Document E: Guidelines for Achieving Sound Insulation Standards

Since July 2003, Part E of the Building Regulations says that all new buildings and changes must be checked for sound insulation. These rules help reduce noise between homes. This makes it feel more private and comfortable for people living there.

Part E says that we need to test at least 10% of all types of party walls or floors in a building. We generally conduct sound insulation tests between two rooms that share these walls or floors. This ensures that noise stays low.

Sound testing measures two types of noise:

  1. Airborne noise: This is sound that travels through the air, such as talking, music, or the TV. Tests for airborne sound insulation check how well the building stops or reduces this noise.
  2. Impact noise: This occurs when objects hit a building, like footsteps or moving furniture. Tests for impact sound insulation check how well the building lowers these sounds when they happen above or beside another room.

By doing both types of sound insulation tests, we can check if a building follows the rules in Part E. This helps to provide a good level of noise comfort for the people living there.

UKAS-Accredited Sound Insulation Testing: Reliable Results for Getting Building Approval

Our company is a UKAS-accredited lab for sound insulation testing. This means we stick to strict rules to make sure all tests are correct and reliable. Our clients benefit from our broad knowledge and experience in sound design and insulation testing. From the start of a project to the final tests, we provide good and professional support to ensure we meet Building Regulations Part E.

Sound insulation is a key part of building. It helps make spaces feel comfortable and livable. We want to make this process simple. Our team offers expert help and clear reports. This way, our clients can get building approval quickly, without delays or extra costs.

Why Sound Consultancy and Testing Matter

Acoustic help and sound testing are important for any building that follows Building Regulations Part E. We offer complete support that includes site checks, sound tests, and design reviews. This way, we ensure your project meets the required noise rules. With our guidance, you can get approval for the sound elements of your project and make a good and quiet space for those living there.

Here at APT Sound Testing we can offer a detailed survey report and outline possible mitigation measures with noise mapping to show the ‘real life’ effectiveness of the measures. Such assessments can cover extraction systems, air conditioners, industrial plant, refrigeration units, and general use of industrial buildings.

If the local authority has requested you undertake a BS4142 Noise Assessment please call us now on 01525 303905 or email us at

For more information about our Acoustic Consultancy Services, Acoustic Design and other services please visit our Planning Noise Survey page.

Thermal Imaging & Commercial Properties

Thermal Imaging & Commercial Properties

How Thermal Imaging helps Surveyors on commercial properties

So, how can thermal imaging help surveyors on commercial properties? Let’s try to answer this common question. Thermal imaging can be incredibly beneficial for surveyors conducting inspections on behalf of clients looking to buy a new building, such as office and retail etc.

Thermal Imaging & Commercial Properties

Here are some keyways it helps protect new purchasers:

  1. Detecting Hidden Building Issues: Thermal imaging can reveal problems in buildings, not visible to the naked eye, such as electrical faults, water leaks, and damage to the building envelope. allows surveyors to identify potential issues early on, so their clients have a more informed overview as to the condition of the building/s.
  2. Building Energy Efficiency: By identifying areas where heat is escaping through the building fabric, thermal imaging helps pinpoint insulation problems. This information can be used by the client to target repairs t the building, so it improves the energy efficiency, potentially saving the buyer a large amount of money on future energy bills.
  3. Maintain Safety: Thermal imaging inspections can detect overheating electrical components, which could pose a fire risk. Identifying these issues early ensures that necessary repairs can be made to keep the building safe before the client takes occupancy. It can also reduce the need for working at height or within restricted access areas.
  4. Non-Invasive Building Inspection: Unlike most traditional methods that require drilling holes or removing parts of walls, thermal imaging is non-invasive method of inspecting the building. This means surveyors can quickly inspect the property thoroughly, without causing any damage.
  5. Pest Detection: Thermal imaging can also help detect the presence of pests by identifying their heat signatures behind walls, or within floor and ceiling voids. This can be crucial in preventing pest-related damage and/or potential health issues.
  6. Negotiation Leverage: Armed with the insights/information of potential defects from thermal imaging, buyers can negotiate a more competitive price more effectively. They can request repairs or adjustments to the sale price based on the documented issues contained within the thermal imaging inspection report.

Overall, thermal imaging provides a comprehensive and detailed inspection, ensuring that buyers can make a more informed decision about their potential new building purchase.

How Our Thermal Imaging Inspections Work

Thermal imaging inspections are a valuable tool during estate purchasing, providing detailed insights that go far beyond what the naked eye can see. Here’s a deeper look at how they work and their benefits

  1. Infrared Technology: Thermal imaging uses infrared cameras to detect temperature variations on surfaces. These cameras capture heat signatures, which are then translated into images showing different colours based on temperature differences. We only use the hight quality thermal imagining cameras with high resolution and sensitivity.
  2. Inspection Areas: Our thermographers typically scan various parts of the building, including walls, ceilings, floors, electrical systems, plumbing, and insulation. The images produced can reveal hidden issues that might not be visible during a standard visual inspection.

What issues can be found during thermal imaging.

There are literally hundreds of different issues that can be found during our thermal imaging inspections, here are just a few of the most common:

  • Water Leaks and Moisture: Thermal imaging can detect water leaks in walls, ceilings, and floors by identifying cooler areas where moisture is present. This helps clients to negotiate a lower price on the property, so robust repairs can be undertaken whilst keeping costs to a minimum.  
  • Insulation Gaps in the Building Fabric: It can highlight areas where insulation is missing or inadequate in walls, roof or floors, so repairs can be made, which helps to improve the buildings overall energy efficiency.
  • Electrical Issues: Overheating electrical components can be identified, preventing potential fire hazards and/or downtime to critical infrastructure.
  • Structural Defects: It can reveal structural issues such as missing insulation or hidden cracks within the building envelope.

Overall, thermal imaging provides a comprehensive and detailed inspection, giving property buyers peace of mind and confidence in their purchase decision.

Thermal Imaging & Commercial Properties

Contact APT Sound Testing for your thermal imaging survey

If you would like to proceed with a thermal imaging survey to your building, you are in safe hands. Our high specification utilised in these inspections which surpasses those required by BREEAM, our thermographers are Level 3 certified, which is the highest accreditation available. We also utilise large format FLIR thermal imaging cameras.

It’s worth noting that our thermal imaging services include the following:

  • Level 3 thermographic certification
  • Level 3 qualified electrical thermographers
  • Large format FLIR cameras with 45-degree lenses
  • A detailed report which includes thermal indexing formula for fault diagnosis, qualification, and severity grading.

If you need a thermal survey to a commercial property, please let us know and we will book in the first available date for you.

If you have any further questions in regard to the above, please don’t hesitate to call APT Sound Testing on 01525 303905 or 07775 623464.

Thermal Imaging: Reduce the Need for Working at Height

Thermal Imaging: Reduce the Need for Working at Height

Thermal Imaging Can Help Reduce the Need for Working at Height

Working at height remains one of the most dangerous activities across various industries, particularly in construction, where it is the leading cause of fatal accidents and serious injuries. Falls from ladders, scaffolding, platforms, and roofs account for over 60% of deaths associated with working at height. Given the significant risks, finding innovative ways to minimize or avoid working at height is crucial. Thermal imaging technology has emerged as a valuable tool in this effort, offering the ability to conduct essential inspections and maintenance from safer locations, thus reducing the need for personnel to engage in high-risk activities.

Incorporating thermal imaging into safety protocols not only enhances safety but also boosts efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Below are four key ways thermal imaging technology helps reduce the risks of working at height and contributes to safer operational practices.

1. Remote Inspections from the Ground

One of the primary advantages of thermal imaging is the ability to perform inspections remotely, often from the ground. This technology allows for safe, efficient monitoring of areas that would otherwise require personnel to work at height using ladders, scaffolding, or aerial lifts. Thermal imaging cameras can detect temperature variations, leaks, electrical faults, and insulation failures from a distance, which eliminates the need for workers to climb or access hard-to-reach places unnecessarily.

In construction, maintenance, and facility management, inspections at height are typically required to assess roofs, high elevations, and other critical structures. By utilizing thermal imaging, these inspections can often be carried out from the ground, making it possible to gather necessary data without putting workers at risk. This greatly reduces the chances of serious accidents and falls, as fewer people need to engage in physically hazardous tasks at height.

2. Early Detection of Issues

Thermal imaging is also invaluable for early detection of problems such as moisture intrusion, heat loss, and electrical overheating. By catching these issues early, before they escalate into more significant failures, maintenance activities can be more strategically planned. For instance, rather than sending workers up scaffolding or rooftops to perform random or broad inspections, thermal imaging can pinpoint specific areas requiring attention.

This targeted approach to maintenance ensures that when working at height is unavoidable, it is done with a clear purpose and plan, reducing the amount of time spent in potentially dangerous situations. By addressing specific areas that need repair or further investigation, companies can significantly reduce exposure to the risks associated with working at height.

3. Improved Safety Planning

The detailed data provided by thermal imaging cameras can be instrumental in enhancing safety planning for high-risk tasks. Thermal images not only identify problem areas but also give a visual representation of the extent and nature of those issues. This allows teams to plan their approach more carefully when working at height is necessary.

For instance, the information gathered from thermal imaging can be used to ensure that appropriate safety equipment, such as harnesses, guardrails, or aerial lifts, is deployed. Additionally, workers can be briefed thoroughly on the specific areas of concern, minimizing the time spent navigating heights. The result is a more organized and safer approach to working at height, reducing the overall risk of accidents.

4. Frequent Monitoring Without Height Access Equipment

Thermal imaging technology also facilitates more frequent monitoring of buildings, infrastructure, and equipment without the need for scaffolding or aerial platforms. In the past, frequent inspections at height were logistically challenging and expensive, often requiring the installation of temporary scaffolding or the use of costly aerial lifts.

With thermal imaging, these inspections can be conducted regularly from the ground, providing real-time data on potential faults or inefficiencies. This makes it easier for companies to maintain consistent monitoring without exposing workers to unnecessary risks. Regular monitoring not only enhances safety but also extends the lifespan of equipment and structures by catching issues early and addressing them promptly, before they turn into major hazards.

Integrating Thermal Imaging into Maintenance Routines

By integrating thermal imaging into regular maintenance and inspection protocols, organisations can significantly reduce the need for extensive working-at-height surveys. Whether it’s during the construction phase or ongoing facility management, thermal imaging provides critical insights that help minimise the risk of falls and other height-related incidents.

Thermal imaging technology is particularly useful in areas such as roof inspections, insulation integrity checks, and electrical panel assessments — tasks that would otherwise require personnel to work at considerable heights. With the ability to identify problems early and from a safe distance, the necessity for repeated climbs or prolonged work at dangerous heights is greatly diminished.

Advanced Thermal Imaging Inspections

At the forefront of thermal imaging inspections are Level 3 certified thermographers who provide high-quality, detailed surveys exceeding the specifications required by industry standards such as BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). Level 3 certification represents the highest level of expertise in thermographic surveys, ensuring that inspections are both thorough and compliant with stringent regulations.

Our thermographic services are conducted using large-format FLIR thermal imaging cameras that produce precise data, helping clients diagnose faults, assess severity, and prioritize repairs. The reports generated from these surveys include thermal indexing formulas, enabling an accurate evaluation of potential issues and providing a clear path to rectifying problems.

BREEAM Thermal Survey Procedure

When conducting a BREEAM thermal survey, our certified thermographers follow a strict protocol to ensure accurate results and compliance with the required standards. The steps include:

  1. Initial Setup: The infrared (IR) camera is calibrated with correct object parameters to ensure accurate image interpretation, including time and date stamps for proper documentation.
  2. Environmental Monitoring: External ambient temperature, wind speed, and other weather conditions are recorded, along with internal temperature readings across several points inside the building.
  3. Spot Measurements: Internal and external spot measurements are taken to calculate average internal surface temperatures using thermal index formulas.
  4. Thermal Imaging: Isotherms are set, and the external building elevations are imaged, with attention to capturing as much of the elevation as possible in each image.
  5. Final Reporting: The data gathered from the survey is compiled into a detailed report, providing clients with clear insights into the thermal performance of their building or structure.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging has proven to be a transformative tool in reducing the need for working at height, a significant risk factor in many industries. By enabling remote inspections, improving early detection of issues, and enhancing safety planning, thermal imaging technology can help organizations protect their workers and avoid unnecessary hazards. Additionally, regular monitoring without the need for scaffolding or aerial lifts allows for more frequent and detailed inspections, further mitigating the risk of falls.

For companies looking to improve safety while maintaining efficiency, incorporating thermal imaging into their regular maintenance and inspection routines is a practical and forward-thinking solution. Whether for BREEAM compliance or general operational safety, our team of certified thermographers is equipped to provide top-tier thermal imaging services tailored to meet the needs of any project.

To arrange a thermographic survey or discuss options, please contact APT Sound Testing at 07775 623464 or email us at

APT Sound Testing: Floor Plenum Testing

APT Sound Testing: Floor Plenum Testing

Providing Expertise in Floor Plenum Testing

At APT Sound Testing, we specialise in conducting comprehensive floor plenum testing, following the “Floor Plenum Airtightness – Guidance and Testing Methodology” (BG 65/2016). This ensures that your building’s HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems operate efficiently and that air is distributed correctly throughout the occupied zones of your structure.

What is a Floor Plenum?

A floor plenum is a void between the structural floor of a building and the raised access floor above it. This void is typically used to distribute conditioned air into the spaces above, allowing for an efficient delivery of heating or cooling to occupied zones. The airtightness of the plenum is critical in ensuring that conditioned air flows only into these intended spaces. Any leakage into adjacent cavities, such as risers, stairwells, heating trenches, or other areas, can significantly affect the efficiency of the HVAC system and lead to higher energy consumption, discomfort in the occupied areas, and potentially damage to sensitive building elements.

An adequately sealed floor plenum allows the diffusers and grilles, which control the airflow, to perform their primary function correctly. This improves the distribution of air within the occupied spaces and maintains desired indoor conditions without unnecessary energy loss.

Floor Plenum Testing Process at APT Sound Testing

Our team at APT Sound Testing uses specialized equipment to carry out floor plenum testing. The key tool in our process is a high-performance fan, which is set up in the test zone. Before the test begins, all air ducts serving the test zone are turned off, isolated, and sealed to prevent any external airflow from interfering with the results.

Once the system is secured, we proceed with the test by performing a series of pressure readings. These readings help us determine whether the plenum is airtight or if there are air leakage issues that need to be addressed. Should the floor plenum fail the test, we can carry out a detailed smoke survey to visually identify air leakage paths. The smoke survey is highly effective in pinpointing the exact locations where leaks occur, which allows for precise remedial action. Afterward, we provide a comprehensive report that outlines the findings of the smoke survey and serves as a guide for sealing contractors to carry out the necessary repairs.

The Importance of Floor Plenum Testing

If your building includes floor or ceiling plenums, it’s essential to be aware of the common challenges associated with ensuring airtightness. Data indicates that approximately 70-75% of floor plenums fail their first airtightness test. This high failure rate underscores the importance of proper planning, testing, and remediation efforts to achieve optimal performance.

At APT Sound Testing, we bring years of expertise in performing raised access floor plenum air pressure tests. Our goal is to work with you to ensure your floor plenums pass the airtightness test on the first attempt, thereby avoiding costly delays and rework.

Pre-Test Inspections and Initial Testing

We recommend that an on-site air test audit is scheduled as soon as the raised floor is in place. Early detection of potential air leakage paths can save time and prevent issues later in the construction process. During this initial phase, we can carry out both a preliminary floor plenum air test and a smoke survey. These preliminary tests allow us to evaluate the airtightness of the plenum envelope and identify any areas of concern.

Once we have completed our assessment, we provide you with a detailed smoke survey report. This report is essential for sealing contractors, as it highlights specific areas that need attention to ensure the plenum is properly sealed before final testing is conducted.

How We Conduct Floor Plenum Air Testing

The process of floor plenum air testing is methodical and precise. To begin, a temporary floor tile is removed, and a fan housing is installed over the opening. The fan is then securely placed within the housing, and the surrounding area is sealed to prevent air from escaping around the fan during the test.

Next, all air handling ducts serving the test zone are turned off, isolated, and temporarily sealed. This prevents any air from traveling through the ductwork and compromising the test results.

After these initial steps are completed, another floor tile is removed and replaced with a mock tile that has a small hole for a high-pressure tube. This tube is essential for measuring pressure differences and ensuring accurate readings during the test.

Once all the equipment is properly set up, we conduct a series of pressure tests, recording the data as the tests progress. These readings are then checked against the specified airtightness standards for the project.

Floor Plenum Testing Standards

It’s important to note that, as of now, there is no universal or legally mandated standard for plenum testing. Typically, the specifications for a project are set by the mechanical engineers overseeing the HVAC system design. These specifications are usually defined in terms of airflow leakage, such as litres per second per square metre (l/s/m²) at a given pressure (e.g., 0.7 l/s/m² @ 50 Pascals). In some cases, the specification may be given in litres per second per cubic metre (l/s/m³), which would require us to know the volume of the plenum for testing purposes.

Whatever the specific requirements of your project, APT Sound Testing is fully equipped to carry out floor plenum testing in accordance with the relevant specifications. Our expert team can visit your site to recommend the most suitable testing procedures and ensure that your floor plenums meet the necessary airtightness criteria.

Why Choose APT Sound Testing?

When it comes to floor plenum airtightness testing, choosing APT Sound Testing means partnering with a team of professionals who are dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and timely results. Our focus on customer satisfaction and commitment to maintaining the highest standards of service ensures that your project is completed to the best possible standard.

As a UKAS-accredited laboratory, we offer peace of mind through our expert knowledge and rigorous testing processes. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always available to provide guidance on your specific needs and answer any questions you may have regarding the testing process.

Contact Us for Your Floor Plenum Testing Needs

If you require raised access floor plenum testing, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our team is ready to assist you with all aspects of plenum airtightness testing, from initial inspections to final certification.

You can reach us by calling 01525 303905, or by filling out our online contact form. Our acoustic and airtightness consultants will be happy to discuss your specific requirements and provide the best solutions to meet the needs of your project.

In summary, APT Sound Testing is your trusted partner in ensuring that your building’s floor plenums are properly sealed, energy-efficient, and fully compliant with your project’s specifications.

Thermal Imaging: Locating Building Defects

Thermal Imaging: Locating Building Defects

Thermal Imaging for Locating Building Defects in London

Thermal imaging surveys offer an innovative and highly efficient way to detect building defects without causing any damage to the structure. These surveys use infrared technology to provide a non-invasive means of inspecting all types of commercial buildings. The benefits of thermal imaging in building inspections are significant, particularly in restoration and remediation projects, where it aids in identifying issues swiftly and accurately. Moreover, this technique eliminates the need for destructive investigations, such as tearing down walls or ceilings, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging for Locating Building Defects
One of the most important advantages of thermal imaging is its ability to reduce health and safety risks. Traditional inspections often require access to high, hard-to-reach places, necessitating the use of scaffolding or access platforms. With thermal imaging, inspections can be conducted from the ground or other accessible points, eliminating the need for inspectors to work at heights. This reduces the risks of accidents and ensures that the inspection process is safer and more efficient.

The effectiveness of thermal imaging lies in the combination of advanced infrared cameras and the expertise of highly trained Level 3 engineers. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge and experience to interpret the thermal images correctly and document any issues they find. Additionally, after repairs or remediation work is completed, thermal imaging can be used again to verify that the work was carried out properly, ensuring that the building is in good condition.

Common Building Defects Identified Using Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging can detect a wide range of building defects that might not be visible during a standard inspection. Here are some of the most common issues that can be uncovered:

Water Leaks in Roofs, Walls, and Floors

One of the most frequent problems discovered during thermal imaging surveys is moisture intrusion, particularly in roofing materials. When water penetrates a roof, it can significantly reduce the insulation properties of the roofing material. Infrared cameras can detect these moisture spots by identifying temperature differences, allowing engineers to pinpoint the exact areas where repairs are needed. In many cases, this can extend the life of a roof by addressing small issues before they become more serious, thus avoiding the costs of a full replacement.

Moisture infiltration is not limited to roofs; it can also affect walls and floors. Similar to roof inspections, thermal imaging can detect damp areas in these parts of the building. Dampness causes changes in temperature that are visible on infrared cameras because wet areas retain and release heat at a different rate than dry areas. The presence of moisture in walls or floors can lead to problems such as mold, mildew, and air quality issues. Over time, exposure to poor air quality can lead to health concerns for the occupants of the building, making early detection and remediation of moisture issues critical.

Air Leakage Around Windows, Doors, and Building Openings

Another common issue that thermal imaging helps to uncover is air leakage through windows, doors, and other openings in the building’s envelope. Air leaks can have a significant impact on a building’s energy efficiency by allowing conditioned air (either heated or cooled) to escape, which results in higher energy consumption and costs.

In combination with blower door testing, thermal imaging becomes an especially powerful tool for identifying air leaks. Blower door tests create pressure differences inside the building, making air leaks more apparent. When thermal imaging is used during this test, it becomes easy to visualize where the conditioned air is escaping. Addressing these leaks can dramatically improve a building’s energy efficiency.

Poor or Missing Insulation

Thermal imaging is also effective at identifying areas with missing or poorly installed insulation. In many of the surveys conducted, significant energy loss has been traced to areas where insulation is either absent or damaged. This could be the result of improper installation, degradation over time, or other issues.

A thermal imaging survey can reveal these problem areas by highlighting the differences in thermal patterns. Areas with missing or damaged insulation will exhibit a different heat signature compared to properly insulated sections of the building. Correcting these deficiencies can lead to a reduction in energy loss, which translates into lower heating and cooling costs.

Thermal Bridging in Structural Elements

Thermal bridging occurs when heat flows through materials with higher thermal conductivity, such as steel beams or concrete, bypassing the insulation designed to prevent heat transfer. This is a common issue in many existing buildings and can lead to higher energy consumption due to uncontrolled heat transfer.

Thermal bridges can be detected using infrared cameras, which reveal areas where heat is being conducted through the building envelope. Once identified, steps can be taken to minimize these thermal bridges, either through better insulation or changes to the building’s design. Reducing thermal bridging can improve the overall energy efficiency of a building and contribute to a more comfortable indoor environment.

Thermal Imaging for Renovation & Retrofit Projects

Thermal imaging is particularly valuable when preparing for renovation or retrofit projects. Before starting any work, a thermal survey can help uncover hidden issues in the existing structure, such as moisture, air leaks, or insulation problems. Identifying these problems early in the process allows building owners and contractors to address them before beginning the renovation, which can prevent costly delays and complications down the line.

Conducting a thermal imaging survey both before and after renovation work is also a useful way to verify that the work was done correctly. This ensures that any retrofitting done to improve energy efficiency is as effective as possible, and it provides peace of mind that the building is safe and healthy for its occupants.

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys

For buildings seeking BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certification, thermal imaging can play a critical role. BREEAM is a globally recognized sustainability assessment method for infrastructure and buildings, and thermal imaging surveys are often a key requirement for achieving this certification. At APT Sound Testing, our thermal imaging services go beyond the specifications required by BREEAM. Our thermographers are Level 3 certified, which is the highest accreditation available for thermographic inspections, ensuring the highest quality and accuracy in every survey.

Comprehensive Thermal Imaging Services

Our thermal imaging services offer a comprehensive solution for detecting and diagnosing building defects. We use large-format FLIR cameras to capture high-resolution thermal images, and our detailed reports include thermal indexing formulas for fault diagnosis, qualification, and severity grading. This allows us to provide a clear, actionable plan for addressing any issues that are discovered during the survey.

If you’re interested in learning more about how thermal imaging can benefit your building, or if you would like to arrange for a survey, please contact APT Sound Testing at 01525 303905 or email us at We are committed to providing the highest quality thermographic services to ensure the longevity, safety, and efficiency of your building.

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys & APT Sound Testing

For over a decade, APT Sound Testing has been at the forefront of providing professional BREEAM thermal imaging surveys, specialising in checking for insulation continuity and identifying potential thermal anomalies in buildings. Our commitment to excellence is underscored by our use of the highest-resolution thermal imaging camera equipment available in the industry. All our surveyors are certified Level 2 thermographers, ensuring that every inspection meets the stringent standards required for accurate and reliable thermographic analysis.

Understanding BREEAM and the Importance of Thermographic Surveys

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is the world’s leading environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings. It sets the benchmark for best practices in sustainable building design, construction, and operation. BREEAM assessments are integral to promoting energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring the sustainability of building projects.

Thermographic surveys have become a critical component of BREEAM assessments. Both the BREEAM New Construction and BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment programs recognize the significant benefits of conducting thermographic surveys by awarding credits when a Level 2 certified thermographer performs a suitable thermal inspection. These surveys help in identifying areas of heat loss, insulation defects, and thermal bridging, which can affect a building’s energy performance and occupant comfort.

Our Range of Thermal Imaging Survey Services

At APT Sound Testing, we offer a comprehensive suite of thermal imaging surveys tailored to various sectors and requirements. Our services include:

  1. Data Centre Thermal Surveys: Data centres generate substantial heat due to the high density of electronic equipment. Our thermal surveys help identify hotspots, cooling inefficiencies, and potential equipment failures, ensuring optimal performance and preventing costly downtime.
  2. Building Envelope Thermal Surveys: We assess the exterior envelope of buildings to detect insulation gaps, air leakage paths, and thermal bridges. This is crucial for enhancing energy efficiency and meeting regulatory standards.
  3. Flat Roof Condition Thermal Surveys: Flat roofs are susceptible to water ingress and insulation defects. Our thermal imaging can detect trapped moisture and insulation failures without invasive procedures, aiding in proactive maintenance.
  4. Thermal Surveys on Electrical and Mechanical Installations: Overheating in electrical and mechanical systems can lead to failures or fire hazards. Our surveys identify overheating components, allowing for timely interventions.

Whether your project is commercial or domestic, and regardless of whether the inspection is for compliance with Part L2 (b) of the Building Regulations, insulation checks, air leakage paths, or underfloor heating inspections, we have the expertise to meet your specific needs. Our commitment to integrity ensures that you receive accurate and reliable results every time.

The Non-Invasive and Non-Destructive Nature of Our Surveys

One of the significant advantages of our BREEAM thermal surveys is that they are entirely non-invasive and non-destructive. This means that the building’s structure remains intact, with no mechanical or physical damage occurring during the inspection process. Thermal imaging technology allows us to “see” heat patterns on surfaces, revealing underlying issues without the need for physical intrusion.

Our Experienced and Certified Team

Our team comprises certified professional engineers who are not only highly skilled in thermal imaging techniques but also bring years of experience across various facets of construction, engineering, maintenance, and professional management. Their comprehensive understanding of BREEAM standards ensures that every survey is conducted in strict adherence to current regulations and best practices.

All our thermographers are Level 2 certified, a qualification that reflects advanced expertise in thermographic analysis. This certification is crucial for BREEAM assessments, as credits are awarded only when a Level 2 thermographer conducts the survey.

State-of-the-Art Thermal Imaging Equipment

To deliver the most accurate and detailed results, we utilize the best thermal imaging equipment available on the market. High-resolution cameras enable us to detect even the slightest temperature differentials, which might be missed by lower-grade equipment. This precision allows us to identify faults and inefficiencies that could impact a building’s energy performance and occupant comfort.

Efficient Reporting and Client Support

We understand that timely reporting is essential for project schedules and compliance requirements. That’s why we generate professional reports promptly, typically within 24 hours of completing the BREEAM survey. These reports are comprehensive yet easy to understand, providing clear insights into any identified issues along with recommendations for remediation.

Our commitment to proactive client service is a cornerstone of our business. We believe in building long-term relationships by consistently delivering high-quality services that exceed expectations. This client-centric approach is why many of our clients choose to work with us year after year.

Preparing for Your Thermal Imaging Survey

To ensure a smooth and efficient survey process, we require some preliminary information:

  • Floor Plans and Elevation Drawings: These documents help our team plan the survey effectively, ensuring all critical areas are assessed.
  • Building Location: Knowing the exact location allows us to consider local climate conditions that might affect the thermal imaging results.

Upon receiving these details, we provide a detailed quotation tailored to your project’s specific needs. Additionally, we supply an informative checklist to help you prepare for the thermal survey. This checklist includes guidelines on how to condition the building before the survey, such as heating requirements and occupancy considerations, to ensure optimal results.

Comprehensive Solutions Beyond Thermal Imaging

APT Sound Testing offers a holistic approach to building compliance and performance assessment. In addition to our thermal imaging surveys, we provide a range of pre-completion testing services, making us a one-stop solution for your project’s needs:

  1. Air Tightness Testing for Building Regulations Part L: Air leakage can significantly impact a building’s energy efficiency. Our air tightness tests help identify leaks and ensure compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations.
  2. Sound Testing for Building Regulations Part E: Acoustic performance is essential for occupant comfort. We conduct sound insulation testing to verify that buildings meet the required standards for airborne and impact noise transmission.
  3. Planning Noise Surveys for BS8233 & BS4142: We perform environmental noise assessments to inform planning applications and ensure compliance with British Standards BS8233 and BS4142.
  4. Server Room Integrity Testing: Maintaining the integrity of server rooms is crucial for data security and equipment longevity. Our tests ensure that these sensitive environments are adequately protected.

Why Choose APT Sound Testing?

  • Expertise: With over 10 years of experience, we have a proven track record in delivering high-quality thermal imaging surveys and compliance testing.
  • Certified Professionals: Our team of Level 2 certified thermographers and engineers brings unparalleled expertise to every project.
  • Advanced Equipment: We invest in the latest thermal imaging technology to provide the most accurate and reliable results.
  • Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize your needs, offering quick turnaround times, detailed reports, and ongoing support.
  • Comprehensive Services: From thermal imaging to air tightness and sound testing, we offer a full suite of services to streamline your compliance processes.

Contact Us for Your Thermal Imaging Needs

If you’re in London or anywhere in the UK and require a thermal imaging survey, APT Sound Testing is ready to assist. Our professional and certified Level 2 thermographers will carry out your thermographic inspections in compliance with all necessary standards and current regulations.

To get started, simply provide us with:

  • Floor Plans and Elevation Drawings: These help us understand the scope and layout of your project.
  • Building Location: Knowing the site location allows us to schedule the survey at a time that suits you and consider any logistical factors.

Once we have these details, we’ll furnish you with a comprehensive quotation and our informative preparation checklist. This proactive approach ensures that the survey is conducted efficiently and yields the most accurate results.

Our Commitment to Sustainability and Excellence

At APT Sound Testing, we are passionate about what we do. We take great satisfaction in helping businesses and individuals make significant improvements in energy efficiency, sustainability, and compliance. By identifying thermal inefficiencies and providing actionable insights, we contribute to the creation of buildings that are not only compliant but also more comfortable and cost-effective to operate.

Our dedication to sustainability aligns with the core principles of BREEAM, and we are proud to support our clients in achieving their environmental performance goals. Whether it’s a new construction project aiming for the highest BREEAM rating or a refurbishment seeking to enhance its sustainability credentials, our thermal imaging surveys are an invaluable tool in the journey toward excellence.

Final Thoughts

Thermal imaging surveys are an essential component in modern building practices, offering insights that traditional inspection methods cannot. With the increasing emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability, ensuring that your building meets the highest standards is more important than ever.

APT Sound Testing is committed to providing top-tier thermal imaging services that help you achieve compliance, improve performance, and contribute positively to the environment. Our expertise, advanced equipment, and client-focused approach make us the ideal partner for all your thermal imaging and compliance testing needs.

Get in Touch Today

Don’t leave your building’s thermal performance to chance. Contact APT Sound Testing today to schedule your BREEAM thermal imaging survey or to learn more about our comprehensive range of services. Let us help you ensure that your building not only meets regulatory requirements but also stands out as a model of sustainability and efficiency.

Contact Information:

We look forward to working with you and assisting in making your project a success.

What is Sound Testing for Dwellings

What is Sound Testing for Dwellings

Sound Testing for Dwellings

So, what is sound testing for dwellings? well, its a common question we get asked my many customers. To summarise Sound insulation testing is a process that checks if a building meets the necessary acoustic standards. It is required for new and converted dwellings according to building regulations. The sound testing should be undertaken by suitably qualified testers who hold approved third-party accreditation such as a UKAS accredited sound testing company.

APT Sound Testing Undertaking Sound Testing to London Apartments

The sound insulation testing involves two different types of sound testing:

Airborne Sound Insulation: This relates to sound that travels via the air and through separating structures between rooms. For example, airborne sound across a lightweight floor would pass through the plasterboard ceiling, into the floor void, through the floorboards, and into the room.

Impact Sound Insulation: This measures the noise level in a room when an impact source is applied directly to the floor above.

The specific acoustic performance requirements for new builds and conversions are set within Approved Document E ‘resistance to the passage of sound. The criteria for refurbishments are slightly more lenient than for new builds, recognizing that it can be more difficult to soundproof an existing structure.

For compliance with the Building Regulations, the acoustic testing must be conducted by a qualified acoustic engineer who is accredited to conduct sound testing by an organisation such as UKAS testing laboratory.

Acoustic Design Sound Testing

Why choose APT Sound Testing for your precompletion testing

In conclusion, our expertise, comprehensive services, commitment to quality, customer focus, and competitive pricing make us the best choice for your sound insulation testing needs. Contact us today to schedule a sound test or to learn more about our other services, such as acoustic design detailing. We also provide rapid sound testing service, with site visits within one week.

We look forward to working with you!

Also, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Please contact us on or call APT Sound Testing direct on 07775 623464.

Sound Insulation Testing for Flats

Sound Insulation Testing for Flats

What is Sound Insulation Testing for Flats?

What Sound insulation testing is a process that checks if a building meets the necessary acoustic standards. It is required for new and converted dwellings according to building regulations. The sound testing should be undertaken by suitably qualified testers who hold approved third-party accreditation such as a UKAS accredited sound testing company.

The sound insulation testing involves two main aspects:

Airborne Sound Insulation: This relates to sound that travels via the air and through separating structures between rooms. For example, airborne sound across a lightweight floor would pass through the plasterboard ceiling, into the floor void, through the floorboards, and into the room.

Impact Sound Insulation: This measures the noise level in a room when an impact source is applied directly to the floor above.

The specific acoustic performance requirements for new builds and conversions are set within Approved Document E ‘resistance to the passage of sound. The criteria for refurbishments are slightly more lenient than for new builds, recognizing that it can be more difficult to soundproof an existing structure.

For compliance with the Building Regulations, the acoustic testing must be conducted by a qualified acoustic engineer who is accredited to conduct sound testing by an organisation such as UKAS accredited testing laboratory

Why We Are the Best Company for Your Sound Insulation Testing

Sound insulation testing is a critical aspect of building construction and design. It ensures that your building meets the necessary acoustic standards, providing a comfortable and productive environment for its occupants. But with so many companies offering this service, why should you choose us? Here are some compelling reasons:

1. Expertise and Experience in Sound Insulation Testing

Our acoustic team comprises highly skilled and experienced professionals who have been in the sound testing field for 20 years. We understand the intricacies of sound insulation testing and design and can provide our services on all types of developments, regardless of its size or complexity. We are also a UKAS accredited testing laboratory working to the highest ISO standards.

2. We Use the Latest Acoustic Technology

We use state-of-the-art Norsonic sound test equipment and software for our sound testing. This not only ensures accurate results but also allows us to complete the tests quickly and efficiently.

3. Comprehensive Sound Testing Services

Our services are not limited to just sound testing. We also offer consultation, advice on sound insulation design, and solutions to any sound insulation problems you might have in your apartment buildings etc. as part of our comprehensive package we can undertake sample sound testing to the existing floor and walls within your building, we can then undertake targeted acoustic design using the results from the sample sound testing to reduce ussies such as noise flanking etc.  We then undertake the final precompletion sound testing for Building Regulations Part E to enable Building Control signoff for the acoustic portion for your project.

4. Quality Assurance

We adhere to strict quality control procedures aligned to ISO17025 to ensure that our tests are conducted under the right conditions and that the results are reliable. We are also a UKAS accredited Sound Testing Laboratory so you can be sure of the highest testing standards and reportage at all times.

5. Customer Satisfaction

Our customers are our top priority. We go the extra mile to ensure that you are satisfied with our acoustic services, which is reflected in our positive Google reviews. We provide timely and clear communication and are always ready to answer any questions you might have in regard to the acoustic design on your new/conversation project. 

6. Competitive Sound Test Pricing

Despite offering a comprehensive and professional service, our prices are very competitive. We believe in providing value for money and strive to make our services affordable for all, however big or small the project.

7. We choose us for you Sound Insulation Testing

In conclusion, our expertise, comprehensive services, commitment to quality, customer focus, and competitive pricing make us the best choice for your sound insulation testing needs. Contact us today to schedule a sound test or to learn more about our services. We look forward to working with you!

Also, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Please contact us on or call APT Sound Testing direct on 07775 623464.

Overview of Floor Plenum Testing

Overview of Floor Plenum Testing

Floor Plenum Testing Services by APT Sound Testing

APT Sound Testing provides thorough floor plenum testing in alignment with the Floor Plenum Airtightness – Guidance and Testing Methodology (BG 65/2016). Our testing services are vital for ensuring that conditioned air is efficiently distributed from the floor plenum to the occupied spaces, without leaking into unintended areas like cavities, risers, stairwells, or other adjacent zones. Proper sealing of the floor plenum is crucial to allow diffusers and grilles to deliver air at the correct flow rates, thereby enhancing both energy efficiency and comfort within the building.

What is a Floor Plenum?

A floor plenum is a space between the structural floor of a building and the raised access floor above it. This void is typically utilised for the distribution of conditioned air throughout the building, supporting HVAC systems by providing pathways for either supply or return airflows. The air within the plenum is usually maintained at a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure to facilitate its movement into the occupied areas above.

However, this setup presents a potential for air leakage, which can lead to significant energy inefficiencies and discomfort for occupants. Ensuring that the conditioned air flows directly into the occupied zones, rather than leaking into cavities, risers, or other unintended areas, is essential for maintaining both the efficiency of the building’s HVAC system and the comfort of its users.

Importance of Floor Plenum Sealing

Properly sealing the floor plenum ensures that the air supplied to this void is discharged through floor-mounted diffusers or grilles, rather than escaping through joints in the raised access floor or between the floor and walls. This is critical because unintentional air leakage can disrupt the designed air distribution, leading to uneven heating or cooling, increased energy consumption, and potential discomfort for building occupants.

To prevent these issues, the floor plenum must be constructed and sealed meticulously. The materials used, the quality of the construction, and the precision in sealing all joints and penetrations are crucial factors in achieving the desired airtightness.

How We Conduct Floor Plenum Testing

At APT Sound Testing, we use specialised equipment to conduct floor plenum airtightness tests. The testing process involves the use of a fan, which is set up within the test zone to measure the pressure differences and detect any air leakage. Prior to testing, all air ducts must be turned off and sealed to ensure that the readings are accurate and reflective of the floor plenum’s airtightness.

The test consists of taking a series of pressure readings across different points within the plenum. These readings help us determine whether the plenum meets the required airtightness standards. If the plenum fails the test, we can conduct a smoke survey to identify the specific paths where air is leaking. This allows us to provide a detailed report highlighting the areas that need remedial sealing work.

Why Floor Plenum Airtightness Matters

The airtightness of a floor plenum is a critical factor in the overall performance of a building’s HVAC system. When air leaks occur within the plenum, it can result in reduced efficiency of the system, leading to higher energy consumption and increased operational costs. Additionally, air leakage can cause uneven distribution of conditioned air, leading to hot or cold spots within the building, which can significantly impact occupant comfort.

Moreover, uncontrolled air leakage can interfere with the building’s ability to maintain proper indoor air quality. By allowing conditioned air to escape or allowing unconditioned air to enter the plenum, the building may struggle to maintain the desired temperature and humidity levels, potentially leading to an uncomfortable or unhealthy indoor environment.

Key Considerations for Floor Plenum Construction

When constructing a floor plenum, several important considerations must be taken into account to ensure its airtightness and overall effectiveness:

  1. Alignment of Carpet Tiles and Floor Panels: In many office buildings, carpet tiles are installed over the raised access floor. If the joints between these tiles are not aligned with the joints of the underlying floor panels, air leakage can be minimized, especially if the carpet tiles are glued in place. However, relying solely on carpet tiles for airtightness is not advisable, as they may de-bond over time.
  2. Sealing Electrical and Data Boxes: Raised access floors often include electrical and data boxes. The air leakage potential of these boxes should be evaluated to ensure they do not significantly contribute to overall floor leakage, which could reduce the efficiency of air delivery to grilles and diffusers. Any penetrations for cabling or other utilities should be sealed properly to prevent air leakage.
  3. Perimeter Sealing: The perimeter of the floor plenum, where the access floor meets the wall, is often a critical area for air leakage. To reduce this, it may be beneficial to install a metal angle along the perimeter, combined with closed-cell board or neoprene strips, to enhance the seal and prevent excessive air leakage.
  4. Wall Construction and Sealing: The walls of the floor plenum are particularly vulnerable to air leakage. Plasterboard can be used as an airtight barrier, but it is essential to ensure that all joints are sealed, especially where the boards meet other boards, walls, floors, and the underside of the raised access floor. Similar precautions should be taken with coated mineral fire boards used in conjunction with fire mastic. The boards should have a specified air leakage rate of 0.15 l/(s.m²)@50Pa and a life expectancy of at least 25 years.
  5. Concrete Floors and Joint Sealing: While poured in-situ concrete floors generally do not have significant air leakage issues, other types such as hollow-core and solid composite precast planks require careful sealing along the plank joints. Beam and block floors should be covered by a screed to prevent excess air leakage.

Common Air Leakage Paths in Floor Plenums

To create an airtight floor plenum, it is essential to identify and properly seal all potential air leakage paths. During the early design phase and throughout construction, a thorough evaluation of the following common leakage points should be conducted:

  1. Utility Penetrations:
    • Cable Bundles and Trays: Any penetrations through the access floor, walls, and subfloor for cables must be sealed to prevent air leakage.
    • Pipes: Similar to cables, all pipe penetrations should be properly sealed.
    • Fire/Plenum Barriers: These barriers must be airtight to prevent air from bypassing the intended flow paths.
  2. Cable Trunking: The interior of cable trunking within the plenum should be sealed to prevent air from escaping into unwanted areas.
  3. Masonry Work: Poorly jointed or incomplete masonry can be a significant source of air leakage. Ensuring that all masonry work is properly executed is crucial for maintaining airtightness.
  4. Risers and Ducting: Proper sealing of risers and ducting within the plenum is necessary to prevent air leakage and ensure efficient air distribution.
  5. Plasterboard Sealing: All edges and ends of plasterboard below the raised floor level should be sealed to prevent air from escaping.
  6. Compartment Barriers: Gaps between compartment barriers, the top of the raised access floor, and the subfloor should be sealed to prevent air leakage.
  7. Curtain Walling/Glazing: Any gaps between curtain walling or glazing and the plenum should be sealed to prevent air leakage.

Floor Plenum Testing

APT Sound Testing is dedicated to ensuring the airtightness of floor plenums in commercial buildings. Our comprehensive Floor Plenum Testing services, backed by the expertise of a UKAS-accredited laboratory, are designed to help you achieve optimal performance from your HVAC system while maintaining energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Whether you are constructing a new building or managing an existing one, we can assist you with all aspects of floor plenum testing and remediation.

If you have concerns about the airtightness of your floor plenum or require testing services, please do not hesitate to contact APT Sound Testing. Our expert staff are ready to provide you with the advice and testing services you need to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of your building’s HVAC system. Call us today at 01525 303 905, or visit our website for more information.