UKAS Accredited Sound Testing

UKAS Accredited Sound Testing

The need to carry out sound insulation testing to assess and report the acoustic performance of dividing partitions between dwellings has become increasingly important in order to demonstrate that a building’s intended performance is achieved when constructed. Poor design detailing and/or onsite construction can have a significant impact on the overall performance of building elements …

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Sound Testing Explained

Sound Testing Explained

Airborne and Impact Sound is transmitted through most walls and floors by setting the entire structure into vibration. This vibration generates new sound waves of reduced intensity on the other side. The passage of sound into one room of a building from a source located in another room or outside the building is termed ”sound …

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Sound Insulation on Conversion Projects

Sound Insulation on Conversion Projects

Many of the dwellings in London and other UK Cities consist of flats that have been converted from large Victorian or Georgian houses, or more recently office blocks. Unfortunately designing for sound insulation is not always shown the highest priority so many converted dwellings suffer from adverse noise transference between the floor and wall partitions. …

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Airborne & Impact Sound Testing in London

Airborne & Impact Sound Testing in London

Sound Testing usually needs to be carried out between pairs of rooms separated by party walls and/or floors. Most sound tests are carried out between living rooms and bedrooms as these are classed as the two main habitable rooms; however, other rooms can be used if this is not possible such as studies, kitchens, and …

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Compliance with Leasehold Agreement via Sound Testing

Compliance with Leasehold Agreement via Sound Testing

Clients often get in touch with us when they have run into trouble whilst undertaking refurbishments to their London apartments. In many cases, they have a lease agreement to the commencement of works and sound testing upon completion of the works. However many people don’t abide by the lease agreement as they may not know …

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Improving Acoustics in Dwellings

Improving Acoustics in Dwellings

When designing a new project containing multiple dwellings, why go further than just meeting the basic regulations. For instance, if you only manage to achieve the minimum requirements for compliance with Building Regulations Part E for sound testing, then the chance of noise complaints will usually be higher than if you better it by 5-7dB.   …

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Why Have I Failed my Sound Insulation Test?

Why Have I Failed my Sound Insulation Test?

This is one of the most common questions we get asked by clients when their property has failed the sound insulation test. One of the main reasons for acoustic partitions failing the Part E sound test is often down to poor isolation of material/s, which can lead to excessive noise flanking. Noise Flanking is a …

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Sound Testing to Minimise Noise Transference

Sound Testing to Minimise Noise Transference

Sound Testing to Minimise Noise TransferenceThere are many different types of intrusive sounds that can penetrate through external walls, party walls and separating floors. And these are a major concern for the inhabitants and users of both residential and commercial buildings. In many existing buildings, where noise is a problem, any noise reduction is welcomed, …

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Designing Buildings to Pass Sound Testing

Designing Buildings to Pass Sound Testing

Designing Buildings to Pass Sound TestingFrom the very start of the design phase of a new building, it’s extremely important that careful consideration is given to the acoustic element the building. By getting us involved at the start of the design process we can undertake a comprehensive acoustic design reviews and on-going site surveys. We …

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Sound Insulation Testing for Part E

Sound Insulation Testing for Part E

Sound Insulation Testing for Part E – Common Questions & AnswersOver the last couple of years APT have collated and answered the most common asked questions in regards to sound insulation testing. What is Sound Testing for Part E of Building Regulations?Sound insulation is the property of a wall and /or dividing partition to resist …

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