Precompletion Sound Testing for Part E

Precompletion Sound Testing for Part E

Precompletion Sound Testing for Part E Over the last decade the APT team has provided thousands of sound insulation tests across London and the Southeast, and using this amassed knowledge of how different construction types effects the acoustic performance of party walls and floors, we have managed to help customers such as architects, developers and …

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BREEAM Indoor Air Quality Testing

BREEAM Indoor Air Quality Testing

What is third party BREEAM Indoor Air Quality Testing Its common knowledge that poor air quality within the indoor environment can result in occupants experiencing a number of symptoms ranging from fatigue to shortness of breath. Factors such as poor ventilation and air pollutants can be the main cause of what is commonly known as …

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Complying with Stringent Air Test Targets

Complying with Stringent Air Test Targets

Complying with Stringent Air Test TargetsFor many residential dwellings the new air leakage rate will drop to  5m3/hr/m2, however if you only undertake air testing to a sample of dwellings then you need to better this target by 2m3/hr/m2 resulting in an air leakage rate of 3m3/hr/m2.  This more stringent target, although difficult to achieve …

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Sound Insulation Testing & Consultancy

Sound Insulation Testing & Consultancy

Sound Insulation Testing & ConsultancyWe offer a no nonsense professional proactive approach to acoustic design, onsite construction checks and pre-completion sound testing. Using our on-going, proactive approach we ensure clients receive professional advice every step of the way, with an on-going continual consideration of cost. The importance of undertaking design reviews and on site construction …

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Designing Buildings to Pass Sound Testing

Designing Buildings to Pass Sound Testing

Designing Buildings to Pass Sound TestingFrom the very start of the design phase of a new building, it’s extremely important that careful consideration is given to the acoustic element the building. By getting us involved at the start of the design process we can undertake a comprehensive acoustic design reviews and on-going site surveys. We …

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Acoustic & Sound Testing Terms

Acoustic & Sound Testing Terms

Posted on May 20, 2022 In the field of acoustics and sound insulation testing, there are a large number of terms and abbreviations can be quite hard to follow. To try and make this easier to understand, we have written the following list, which should help you to decipher the main terms and abbreviations relating to acoustics …

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Sound Testing Walls

Sound Testing Walls

APT provides acoustic design and sound insulation testing and consultancy to help architects, developers and homeowners achieve the minimum requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations for new build and/or conversion projects. Sound transfer between walls  in dwellings is a common problem and its often down to poor-quality construction – this is often down to the contractors …

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Indoor Air Quality Testing for BREEAM

Indoor Air Quality Testing for BREEAM

Depending on the building certification standard you are wanting to achieve i.e., BREEAM, LEED and/or WELL certification, you may need to carry out an initial detailed assessment of air quality followed by ongoing long-term monitoring. Typical indoor air quality pollutants that require monitor range from volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) Formaldehyde to key gas indicators such …

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Improving your Air Testing

Improving your Air Testing

Improving your Air Testing with Good Construction Detailing Air Testing is the simplest and most popular method used in the construction industry to confirm compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. The air test is simply a test of the building fabric integrity. Draughts and heat loss often occur wherever there is a hole …

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What can APT Sound Testing do for you?

What can APT Sound Testing do for you?

At APT Sound Testing, we offer Airborne and Impact Sound Insulation Testing in accordance with Part E of the Building Regulations and, where required sound testing on Schools BB93 & BREEAM. Under Part E of Building Regulations, this is a requirement for new and converted dwellings where there is a separating partition wall or floor. …

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