Month: July 2023

Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing

Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing

Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing
Noise damping is the most efficient and effective way to control vibration and noise radiation at the source. Damping materials lessen this noise by turning the vibration into low-grade heat. By using viscoelastic materials, it changes the resonant frequency of a substrate. By combining vibration-damping materials and sound absorbers a composite acoustic construction can be achieved, that can control both airborne and structure-borne noise – the final element for good soundproofing.

Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing

Improving Noise Damping
It is worth noting that a large number of manufacturers now produce a wide range of systems designed to improve sound insulation in homes and commercial buildings. In all instances, the effectiveness of these materials will vary depending on the situation in which they are installed. When choosing the acoustic product/s, detailed information on the likely sound insulation performance should be requested from the supplier.

If you have an existing property you should check the existing construction of the dividing wall/floor partitions and work back from there. You are advised to give careful consideration to the data supplied by a manufacturer before using a proprietary product. it is also worth noting that the sound insulation value/s given for each product will be ‘best case’ as they have been tested in laboratory conditions and not on site – this is usually a worse result by up to 3-5 dB) which may be the difference between a sound test pass or failure.

Also when undertaking remedial work to improve the sound insulation, the acoustic materials are often quite heavy which may result in considerable weight being added to the structure of a property.

Thus it is essential to check that the ceiling or floor joists can carry the increased loads satisfactorily.

So in a nutshell, if you allow for the following four main elements of sound insulation on your acoustic partition design; Decoupling, Absorption, Mass and Damping, your development should pass the sound insulation test at the first attempt.

If you would like more information in regards to acoustic design and sound insulation testing, please contact us now at or call APT Sound Testing Services direct on 01525 303905.

Understanding BREEAM: Advancing Sustainability in the Built Environment

Understanding BREEAM: Advancing Sustainability in the Built Environment

The importance of sustainable development has become paramount. As we strive to create a greener and more environmentally responsible future, a crucial aspect of this endeavor involves constructing and maintaining buildings that are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible. This is where BREEAM comes into play.

What is BREEAM?
BREEAM, which stands for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method, is one of the world’s leading sustainability assessment methods for buildings. It was developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in the United Kingdom back in 1990 and has since become an internationally recognized standard for evaluating a building’s environmental performance.

The main objective of BREEAM is to measure, evaluate, and certify the sustainability credentials of new and existing buildings across various criteria. These criteria encompass a wide range of factors, such as energy usage, water efficiency, waste management, indoor environmental quality, ecological impact, and social aspects. By rigorously assessing these elements, BREEAM helps stakeholders identify areas for improvement and implement sustainable practices to enhance a building’s overall performance.

Why is BREEAM important?

Environmental Benefits: BREEAM promotes environmentally responsible construction and operation practices, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy consumption, and a smaller ecological footprint. By encouraging sustainable building techniques, it contributes to mitigating the impact of climate change and preserving natural resources.

Economic Advantages: Beyond its environmental impact, BREEAM delivers tangible economic benefits to property owners and occupants. Sustainable buildings often exhibit lower operating costs, improved energy efficiency, and increased asset value, making them more appealing to potential investors and tenants.

Health and Well-being: BREEAM takes into account factors that impact human health and well-being, such as indoor air quality, natural lighting, and acoustic comfort. By promoting healthier indoor environments, occupants of BREEAM-certified buildings may experience improved productivity, reduced sick days, and enhanced overall well-being.

Future-Proofing: With the growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility, BREEAM certification future-proofs buildings by ensuring they meet and adapt to evolving green building standards. This ensures that buildings remain relevant, competitive, and resilient in an ever-changing global landscape.

Global Recognition: BREEAM’s international recognition makes it a valuable tool for architects, developers, and investors working on projects worldwide. The certification’s credibility helps attract potential partners and funding, fostering collaborations that drive sustainable development on a global scale.

Policy Compliance: In many regions, BREEAM certification is tied to local building regulations and planning policies. Achieving BREEAM certification ensures compliance with these requirements, making the permitting process smoother and reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

BREEAM plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainability in the built environment. By assessing and certifying buildings based on comprehensive environmental, social, and economic criteria, BREEAM promotes responsible construction practices that benefit our planet, our economies, and the health and well-being of occupants.

Embracing BREEAM and its principles is a significant step toward creating a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

Here at APT Sound Testing, we have been providing indoor air quality services such as post-construction air quality testing and indoor air monitoring for a number of years. We have assisted many customers in gaining their BREEAM and other compliance credits through our air quality plan and BREEAM air quality testing services.

Call us on 01525 303905 or email us on about our services. We are here to help! Alternatively, please visit our contact page here.

Tips on How to Pass Your Sound Testing

Tips on How to Pass Your Sound Testing

We thought we would offer some good tips on how to pass your sound testing at the first attempt. The first stage is to ensure that you design the building correctly using the correct acoustic details and materials.

It is also essential that acoustic materials are installed in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. There are many potential poor acoustic scenarios that can increase the chance of sound test failure, they are:

  1. Ensure no noisy building work is taking place during the sound testing as excess background noise levels can have adverse effect on the results.
  2. You must fit doors and windows before the test is carried out, to stop noise transference.
  3. Ensure that all doors and windows are shutting properly and rubber seals are properly installed.
  4. Do not directly fix screw plaster board into joists, when using Resilient Bars; ensure that they are fitted in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
  5. Do not directly nail or screw through an Acoustic Floor always follow manufactures guidelines and use the correct fixing method.
  6. Ensure you use acoustic insulation with the minimum required density and it fills at least 100mm of the joist void.
  7. Ensure all penetrations such as heating pipes are sealed where they terminate through the floors.
  8. Ensure that acoustic insulation is also packed around service pipe work.
  9. If installing floating screed ensure all isolation layer joints are overlapped and taped.
  10. Ensure that the Acoustic floor is fitted with staggered joints.
  11. Ensure all the Acoustic floor is sealed watertight even around heating pipes.
  12. Ensure that the plasterboard on any walls is complete right down to sub-floor, seal all gaps.
  13. Ensure you use the isolation tape around the wall of each room.
  14. Ensure plasterboard is fitted with staggered layers and all joints sealed.
  15. Ensure all Fireplaces are blocked up with brick or plasterboard.
  16. Ensure that any RSJ’s or supporting steel work is fully insulated and isolated from the main structure.
  17. Ensure all waste pipe service runs are boxed in with insulation and plasterboard.
  18. Do not fit carpets or laminated flooring before you have passed the test.

APT Sound Testing undertake sound testing on all types of residential buildings and commercial buildings. We also undertake sound testing on schools and buildings containing rooms for residential purposes.

Our team of experienced sound test engineers are dedicated to giving our customers the best quality of service and offer acoustic design advice where possible, to help our clients achieve the required acoustic results to pass the sound testing and attain building completion. We can also undertake ‘in house’ UKAS accredited air tightness testing in one seamless package, lowering costs and negating coordination issues.

If you need help with the sound testing process then call us today on 01525 303 905 or contact us via the online form.

Sound Insulation Testing & the Building Industry

Sound Insulation Testing & the Building Industry

In today’s fast-paced urban environment, ensuring comfortable living spaces and work environments has become a top priority for the construction industry. One crucial aspect of this is sound insulation testing, an essential process that helps create acoustically optimised buildings. Let’s explore why sound insulation testing is so vital for the building industry and its impact on the overall quality of life for occupants.

Why is Sound Insulation Testing Important?

Sound insulation testing is designed to evaluate how well a building’s construction materials and techniques can reduce sound transmission between rooms or from outside noise sources. It ensures that the building meets or exceeds the required acoustic standards set by local building regulations. The primary objectives of sound insulation testing are:

Noise Reduction: Effective sound insulation reduces unwanted noise intrusion from external sources like traffic, construction, or industrial activities. It also minimises noise transfer between rooms within the building, ensuring privacy and a peaceful living or working environment.

Compliance: In many countries, including the UK, sound insulation testing is a mandatory requirement for certain types of buildings, such as residential properties, schools, hotels, and hospitals. Compliance with these regulations ensures that the building meets acceptable standards of acoustic performance.

Occupant Satisfaction: A well-insulated building significantly impacts the quality of life for its occupants. Reduced noise levels enhance comfort, improve sleep quality, and boost overall well-being, leading to higher tenant satisfaction and reduced turnover rates.

Legal and Financial Protection: Failure to comply with sound insulation regulations can result in legal consequences, including fines or restrictions on property usage. By conducting sound insulation tests during construction, developers can identify and address any issues promptly, saving potential costly retrofits later.

How Does Sound Insulation Testing Work?

Sound Insulation Testing

Sound insulation testing typically involves two main types of assessments:

Airborne Sound Testing: This evaluates the transmission of sound through the air. Testers use loudspeakers to generate a calibrated noise source in one room while measuring sound levels in the receiving room. The results determine the sound reduction index between the two spaces.

Impact Sound Testing: This measures the level of noise transmitted through the structure of the building caused by impact sources like footsteps or moving furniture. It assesses how well the floors and walls can attenuate this type of sound.

Impact on the Building Industry

The introduction of sound insulation testing has had a transformative impact on the building industry. Developers and architects must now incorporate acoustic design considerations from the early stages of a project. This involves selecting appropriate building materials, construction methods, and acoustic treatments to meet regulatory standards and ensure high-quality living and working spaces.

Moreover, as sound insulation performance becomes a crucial selling point for properties, developers who invest in effective soundproofing solutions can gain a competitive edge in the market. A reputation for well-insulated buildings can attract more discerning buyers and tenants who prioritise comfort and peace of mind.

Sound Insulation Testing and the Building Industry

Sound insulation testing plays a vital role in shaping the modern building industry, ensuring that structures are not just aesthetically pleasing but also acoustically optimised for a better quality of life. By adhering to acoustic standards and incorporating sound insulation measures, the industry can create spaces that promote well-being, productivity, and happiness for occupants, ultimately redefining the way we experience the built environment.

Need Some Support?

APT Sound Testing can undertake sound insulation testing on all types of residential buildings and commercial buildings. They also undertake sound testing on schools and buildings containing rooms for residential purposes.

They have a highly qualified team of experienced sound test engineers who are dedicated to giving our customers the best quality of service and offer acoustic design advice where possible, to help clients achieve the required acoustic results to pass the sound testing and attain building completion. They can also undertake ‘in house’ UKAS accredited air tightness testing in one seamless package, lowering costs and negating coordination issues.

To contact APT Sound Testing, call 01525 303 905 or visit their comprehensive and informative Sound Testing Services website.

Indoor Air Quality Testing (BREEAM)

Indoor Air Quality Testing (BREEAM)

APT Sound Testing is a specialist UK provider of indoor air quality services such as post-construction air quality testing and indoor air monitoring services. Having assisted a great many customers in gaining their BREEAM and other compliance credits, our air quality plan and BREEAM air quality testing services have proven very successful.

As well as helping you to gain your initial (BREEAM) credit, by testing the indoor air quality our engineering team can also produce a bespoke indoor air quality plan to support your BREAAM application.

Our plans offer the following benefits:

  • Advice on removal of contaminant sources
  • Dilution and control of contaminant sources
  • Procedures for pre-occupancy flush-out
  • Informative checklist to help you prepare for the third party testing
  • Third party testing and analysis
  • Advice on maintaining Indoor Air Quality In-Use

Looking to Attain Additional BREEAM Credits for Indoor Air quality under BREEAM Hea02

There are clearly defined stages when working to achieve extra points for BREEAM Hea02. The first stage is the air quality plan and the second stage is the indoor quality testing. Here we provide a quick explanation for each of these stages.

Stage 1 – BREEAM Indoor Air Quality Plan
The BREEAM Indoor Air Quality Plan reduces the risk of health deterioration and building performance by improving indoor air quality for the end user. It makes assurances in the design stage of a project which plan for the existence of ventilation, equipment, and construction materials that improve indoor air quality for the buildings occupiers.

Stage 2 – BREEAM Indoor Air Quality Testing
Your project must be nearing completion, including a fully operational HVAC system, before an Indoor Air Quality Test can be carried out. The sampling identifies the presence of volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), including formaldehyde.

Where the levels of these compounds are found to exceed the prescribed limits, to claim the BREEAM credit it must be identified that appropriate measures have or will be undertaken in accordance with the IAQP and the consultant’s report recommendations to reduce the levels to fall within the limits.

Contact APT Sound Testing today on 01525 303 905 or visit their website for more information about their professional Indoor Air Quality Testing services.

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys

Why choose us to undertake your thermal imaging inspection service ? We have many years’ experience in all aspects of engineering, construction, maintenance, management, and professional survey work and all our thermographic surveys are conducted by engineers qualified in accordance with BS EN 13187 and are trained to Level 2 & 3.

Another very important item to take into consideration is the quality of the thermal imaging cameras, our thermal imaging equipment is some the best and most accurate on the market, ensuring we pick up faults that other equipment may miss.

thermal imaging survey on a commercial building
A thermal imaging survey highlighting missing insulation

Due to the quality of our engineers and equipment, are reportage is of the highest quality and professionally presented. Our reports are also easy to follow and reference. Using our experience and endeavor to provide our clients a first class service every time.

Here is a quick breakdown of our two stage service:

Stage 1 – Thermal Imaging Inspection

  • Supply of an ITC trained thermographer and level II reporting assessment using a large format FLIR P6n-Series (640×480 resolution) thermal imaging camera.
  • To supply an external thermographic inspection of the total envelope, taking into account, elevations and roof where access is available.
  • Looking for insulation continuity, paths of air leakage, thermal bridging and other associated electrical building problems.

 Stage 2 – High Quality Reportage

  • Single report to include Introduction and fault cover pages, summary problem pages, elevation inventory,
  • Detailed fault documentation pages with possible root cause and remedial recommendation (isotherm included if using equations), baseline IR and DC image of every elevation (100% coverage-no isotherm)
  • Application of thermal indexing formulas
  • Eco Friendly Email Report

We provide cost effective professional Thermal Imaging services 

We have over 15 years of experience carrying out building thermal imaging surveys in support of industrial and commercial applications, our thermal inspections reportage contains the required reporting structures to satisfy the requirements expected by Construction and Insurance Companies, Facility Managers, Building Control and BREEAM 2011 Assessors etc.

Our experienced and highly qualified thermal imaging surveyors produce higher quality and more technically consistent thermography inspections. Our Level 3 engineers can troubleshoot, calibrate equipment, interpret data, and create reports.

When you are employing a thermographer, you should check to see that they incorporate the high specifications possible for their inspections. Are they certified to Level 3 and do they use large format FLIR thermal imaging cameras? If not, you may end up having to do your survey a second time at double the cost!


Their specification should include:

  • Level 3 thermographic certification
  • Level 3 qualified thermographers
  • Large format FLIR cameras with 45-degree lenses

Each thermal imaging report is reviewed and approved by our experienced and certified PCN Level 3 thermographers to ensure the highest quality for analysis and recommendations

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Surveys
If you would like further information on out thermal imaging inspection services, please contact us at 01525 303905 are or or visit our website at and download our thermal imaging checklist

If you would like to contact us for more information on our thermal imaging services, please contact us on 01525 303905 or email us at 

Air Tightness Testing in the Construction Industry

Air Tightness Testing in the Construction Industry

Air Tightness Testing in the Construction Industry: Ensuring Efficiency and Sustainability
In the ever-evolving construction industry, the focus on energy efficiency and sustainability has become paramount. As buildings strive to minimise energy consumption and reduce their environmental impact, air tightness testing has emerged as a crucial step in achieving these goals. By ensuring the integrity of a building’s envelope, air tightness testing plays a pivotal role in optimising energy performance, improving indoor air quality, and enhancing overall occupant comfort.

What is Air Tightness Testing?
Air tightness testing, also known as blower door testing, is a diagnostic procedure used to measure the air leakage of a building. It involves creating a pressure differential between the inside and outside of the structure while measuring the airflow that occurs as a result. This test helps identify areas of air leakage, such as gaps, cracks, and poorly sealed openings, allowing for targeted remediation and improved building performance.

Why is Air Tightness Important?
1️⃣ Energy Efficiency: Uncontrolled air leakage in a building can significantly impact its energy efficiency. Air infiltration can lead to heat loss during colder months and heat gain during warmer months, forcing heating and cooling systems to work harder and consume more energy. By conducting air tightness testing, construction professionals can identify and address these inefficiencies, resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower utility costs.

2️⃣ Indoor Air Quality: Air leakage not only affects energy efficiency but also impacts indoor air quality. Unfiltered air entering a building can introduce contaminants, allergens, and pollutants, compromising the health and comfort of occupants. By minimising air infiltration through air tightness testing, construction projects can ensure healthier indoor environments and promote occupant well-being.

3️⃣ Comfort and Thermal Performance: A tightly sealed building envelope reduces drafts and temperature variations, enhancing occupant comfort. By eliminating cold spots near windows, doors, and other vulnerable areas, air tightness testing contributes to maintaining consistent indoor temperatures and reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.

4️⃣ Sustainability and Environmental Impact: As the construction industry strives to minimise its environmental footprint, air tightness testing plays a significant role in achieving sustainability goals. By reducing energy consumption, buildings with improved air tightness contribute to a lower demand for fossil fuel resources, resulting in decreased greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller carbon footprint.

How is Air Tightness Testing Conducted?
Air tightness testing involves the use of a specialised equipment called a blower door. The blower door consists of a calibrated fan installed in an external doorway or window, a pressure gauge, and various seals and accessories. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

1️⃣ Sealing Openings: All external doors, windows, vents, and other openings are closed, and internal doors are opened to allow for air circulation within the building.

2️⃣ Creating Pressure Differential: The blower door fan is activated to depressurise or pressurise the building. This creates a pressure differential between the interior and exterior, allowing for the measurement of air leakage.

3️⃣ Measuring Airflow: The pressure gauge connected to the blower door fan measures the airflow required to maintain the desired pressure differential. This measurement provides an indication of the building’s air tightness.

4️⃣ Identifying Air Leakage: During the test, construction professionals may utilise smoke pencils or infrared cameras to detect areas of air leakage. This information helps target specific areas for remediation and sealing.

5️⃣ Remediation and Retesting: Based on the results of the air tightness test, necessary repairs and improvements are made to reduce air leakage. Once remediation is complete, a retest is conducted to ensure the desired air tightness level has been achieved.

Benefits of Air Tightness Testing for Construction Professionals:
✅ Compliance: Many building codes and standards now require air tightness testing to meet energy efficiency and performance criteria. By conducting these tests, construction professionals can ensure compliance with regulations and obtain necessary certifications.

✅ Quality Assurance: Air tightness testing serves as a quality assurance measure, ensuring that the construction process meets the required standards. It helps identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely corrections and avoiding costly rework.

✅ Client Satisfaction: Buildings with improved energy efficiency, reduced utility costs, and enhanced comfort provide increased satisfaction to clients. By incorporating air tightness testing as part of their construction process, professionals can offer their clients a more sustainable and efficient end product.

In a world increasingly focused on sustainable development, air tightness testing has become a vital tool for construction professionals. By optimising energy performance, improving indoor air quality, and enhancing occupant comfort, air tightness testing not only benefits the environment but also contributes to the long-term success of construction projects. Embracing this practice is a step toward a greener and more sustainable future for the construction industry. 

Thermal Imaging Surveys in the Construction Industry

Thermal Imaging Surveys in the Construction Industry

In the world of construction, every decision, every process, and every investment counts. Builders and contractors are constantly seeking innovative solutions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance safety. One technology that has proven to be immensely valuable in achieving these goals is thermal imaging surveys. By harnessing the power of infrared technology, construction professionals are gaining unprecedented insights into their projects, unlocking a plethora of benefits.

So, what exactly are thermal imaging surveys? Essentially, they involve using infrared cameras to capture and analyse the thermal patterns emitted by objects and structures. These patterns provide valuable information about temperature variations, heat loss, and potential issues within a building or construction site. Let’s dive into how thermal imaging surveys revolutionise the construction industry:

1️⃣ Building Inspections: Thermal imaging surveys play a crucial role in inspecting buildings during and after construction. By scanning the structure, professionals can identify thermal anomalies that may indicate insulation deficiencies, water leaks, or electrical problems. This early detection helps prevent costly repairs down the line and ensures the overall quality and safety of the building.

2️⃣ Energy Efficiency: In an era of growing environmental consciousness, energy efficiency has become a top priority. Thermal imaging surveys enable construction teams to identify areas of excessive heat loss or inadequate insulation. By pinpointing these energy inefficiencies, contractors can take targeted action to improve insulation, seal gaps, and optimise heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. This not only reduces energy consumption but also lowers utility costs for building owners and occupants.

3️⃣ Electrical Systems: Construction projects often involve complex electrical systems. Thermal imaging surveys can effectively detect electrical faults, overheating components, or loose connections that might lead to malfunctions or even fire hasards. By identifying potential issues in advance, construction professionals can implement timely repairs, ensuring the safety of the building and its occupants.

4️⃣ Plumbing and Water Leakage: Water damage can be a nightmare for construction projects, leading to costly repairs and delays. Thermal imaging surveys help detect hidden water leaks behind walls, floors, or ceilings. By identifying these leaks early on, contractors can address them promptly, preventing further damage and mold growth.

5️⃣ Safety and Risk Mitigation: Thermal imaging surveys contribute significantly to safety in the construction industry. By identifying potential hasards, such as overheating electrical components or insulation problems, contractors can mitigate risks before accidents occur. This proactive approach protects the well-being of workers and reduces the likelihood of costly liability claims.

6️⃣ Structural Integrity: The stability and durability of a building are of paramount importance. Thermal imaging surveys provide valuable insights into the structural integrity of a construction project. By detecting thermal anomalies that may indicate weak or damaged areas, professionals can take corrective measures to ensure the building’s long-term stability and safety.

Thermal Imaging Surveys – an Invaluable Tool
Thermal imaging surveys have become an invaluable tool in the construction industry. They provide construction professionals with the ability to detect hidden issues, improve energy efficiency, enhance safety, and ensure the overall quality of their projects. By harnessing the power of infrared technology, the construction industry is taking a giant leap toward smarter, more efficient, and sustainable practices.

As this technology continues to advance, we can expect even greater benefits and applications in the future. The future of construction is undoubtedly heating up, and thermal imaging surveys are leading the way! 

Contact APT Sound Testing
Contact APT Sound Testing today at 01525 303905 if you require a Thermal Imaging Survey in London or anywhere in the UK, and our professional and certified Level 2 Thermographer’s will carry out your thermographic Inspections for BREEAM compliance in accordance with all necessary standards and current regulations.

All we need are a few details such as floor plans and elevation drawings and the building location to provide a quotation. We will also send across our informative checklist to help you prepare for the thermal survey.

Thermal Imaging Surveys can Identify Many Building Defects

Thermal Imaging Surveys can Identify Many Building Defects

Thermal imaging surveys can identify many building defects such as missing or badly installed insulation. It can also find air leakage paths through the building envelope around areas such as leaky external doors and windows. It can also identify water ingress to walls, floors, roofs from water leaks and waterproofing failures due to bad detailing and missing damp trays etc., as well as damp in walls etc. due to badly installed and/or damaged downpipes.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve the efficiency of your dwelling is to make sure that it is well insulated and to improve the air tightness of the building – thermal imaging can help with this process. Unfortunately, many new and existing homes are missing essential insulation, and are very leaky leading to energy loss and much higher energy bills.

Our combined air tightness testing and thermal imaging surveys can help you determine if your building fabric (walls, floors, attic, and roof) are properly insulated as well as being airtight. Using highly trained thermographers, along with the latest high-resolution thermal cameras, we will check for gaps in the building fabric, as well as missing insulation, and we will provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings.

Thermal Imaging to locate drafts in your London home
Excessive draughts can be very uncomfortable blowing cold air into your home, via badly fitted doors, windows and penetrations and cracks in the walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs.

This can result in cold spots in your rooms, as well as wasting valuable energy.

Our London thermal imaging surveys can help you to identify potential defects in the building fabric and components, which allows draughts to come in via air leakage paths in the building fabric, so that you can seal them up and keep your home warm.

Thermal imaging to find Thermal Bridging in the Building Fabric
Our Thermal imaging surveys can also check for other defects such as thermal bridging, which is when the construction elements of the wall construction etc. literally bridge across cavities. This can be via excess mortar droppings etc. which causes a cold spot in the building envelope. we have also found Thermal bridging at the heads of external windows and doors, where clients have installed concrete lintels back-to-back, which bridges the cavity and causes a cold spot across the heads of the opening.

It is important to have a professional conduct thermal imaging surveys to ensure that all areas of potential thermal bridges are identified.


Our Expert Thermal Imaging Service includes:
Our experienced and highly qualified thermal imaging surveyors produce high-quality thermal imaging reports.

Our service comprehensive thermal imaging surveys include:

Level 3 thermographic certification
Level 3 qualified thermographers
Large format FLIR cameras with 45-degree lenses
Comprehensive and easy to follow thermography reports

Each thermal imaging report is reviewed and approved by our experienced and certified PCN Level 3 thermographers to ensure the highest quality for analysis as well as and recommendations as and when required.

Thermal Imaging Surveys
If you would like further information on our thermal imaging surveys and inspection services, please contact us at 01525 303905 are or or visit our website at

For more information on how to prepare for your thermal imaging survey, please download our thermal imaging checklist.

Thermal Imaging Surveys in London

Thermal Imaging Surveys in London

Thermal Imaging Surveys, Certified by APT Sound Testing in London
From our Clapham office in Central London, we can carry out your Thermal Insulation Testing, professionally with our efficient experienced team of thermography engineers.

We can provide an excellent service to the South East area from our Clapham base, covering many areas including, Central London, North London, South London, East London, West London, Croydon, Guildford, Slough, Reading, Maidstone and Hemel Hempstead.

Thermal Imaging Surveys in London

Request a call from our experienced team of thermographic engineers or call us on 07775623464.

APT Sound Testing provides specialist thermal imaging surveys to customers through all industry sectors throughout the UK including construction and facility management projects throughout London and the South East.

Specialising in electrical thermal imaging surveys and building thermography in London, APT sound Testing is one of a few companies that only use surveyors that are trained certified to a minimum of ITC Level 2, which is the minimum requirement to undertake BREEAM Thermal Inspections throughout London and the rest of the UK for practising thermographer’s.

We have over 15 years of experience carrying out building thermal imaging surveys in support of industrial and commercial applications, our thermal inspections reportage contains the required reporting structures to satisfy the requirements expected by Construction and Insurance Companies, Facility Managers, Building Control and BREEAM 2011 Assessors etc.

Here at APT Sound Testing we realise that thermal imaging inspections can be vital in establishing potential defects in your buildings at the earliest possible stage. This can save you time and money during future operations together with reducing the risk of making the wrong decision and potential building shutdowns.

The combination of highly trained and certified and experienced thermographic surveyors as well as high specification calibrated equipment, guarantee our customers the best possible thermal imaging survey report to meet all of your needs.

Our thermal imaging team make sure that customer satisfaction comes first and our surveys are carried out with the upmost thoroughness and expertise.

APT Sound Testing are Thermal Imaging Engineers you can trust

There is no job too small or too far…

Although based in Central London we don’t shy away from travelling further afield to help our customers’ needs.

However, below are the areas where most customers get in touch with APT Sound Testing:

Central London, North London, South London, East London, West London, Croydon, Guildford, Slough, Watford, Reading, Maidstone and Hemel Hempstead.