Acoustic Consultancy Testing
Acoustic Consultancy Testing Services
As leading Acoustic Consultants, we offer a full turnkey solution for all your acoustic requirements to ensure compliance with planning requirements and Building Regulations Part E to achieve building control sign off for the acoustic elements of the project. This ensures your company receives professional advice every step of the way, with an on-going continual consideration of cost.
We visit site to undertake sample sound insulation testing to the existing buildings walls and floors to check the sound insulation performance of the existing dividing partitions. Thereafter, once the sound levels have been established and targeted acoustic design can be undertaken to ensure compliance with Building Regulations Part E.
We can help develop the acoustic design of the project from the initial design scheme stage through to the precompletion sound testing. In particular we review the acoustic details to take into account the mass, isolation and absorption elements of the construction.

Acoustic Consultancy Design Advice
To try and help our clients achieve compliance with Approved Document E, we offer the following 4 step acoustic design advice package:
1. Site Survey Visits – to let us view the existing site construction. This allows us to check for potential problematic construction such as inclusion of lightweight blocks in the existing construction. It also lets us check that the installation teams are installing the acoustic materials as per manufacturer’s guidelines.
2. Sample Sound Testing – of the existing construction. This offers an accurate overview of the acoustic performance of the existing partitions which enables us to offer a targeted acoustic design using the sound insulation performance of the existing construction.
3. Acoustic Design Review – a full design review of the proposed developments party walls and floors. Site Survey Visits – to let us view the existing site construction. This allows us to check for potential problematic construction such as inclusion of lightweight blocks in the existing construction. It also lets us check that the installation teams are installing the acoustic materials as per manufacturer’s guidelines.
4. Pre-completion Sound Testing to satisfy Approved Document E – If the local authority has requested you undertake Sound Insulation Testing please call us now on: 01525 303905 or email us at: info@aptsoundtesting.co.uk
Acoustic Design Services
We have many years’ experience of acoustic partition design on all types of developments from pairs of semi-detached houses, up apartment blocks containing hundreds of residential units. Utilising our vast experience in construction design, and the data from thousands of sound insulation tests, we have a clear understanding of the positives and negatives of all types of construction.
We are also a UKAS accredited sound testing laboratory which means we can offer a comprehensive design and testing solution for all your acoustic requirements. We can test and issue certification on completion of any works carried out and you can be safe in the knowledge that the results will be accepted by the tasked building control officer.
We have undertaken hundreds of acoustic design and sound test packages on many different types of projects, from the initial scheme stage to completion. We offer a no nonsense professional proactive that ensures you company receives professional advice every step of the way, with a continual consideration of cost.
In order to achieve the current sound insulation performance requirements of Approved Document E of the current Building Regulations, it is highly recommended you employ the services of an Acoustic Consultancy such as APT Sound Testing to survey your acoustic design/construction proposals.
We can also undertake site survey visits which allow you to feel confident about the outcome of testing at the end of the build. The site survey visits help to reduce the risk of sound test failure due to poor workmanship.
We provide full ISO compliant UKAS accredited surveys and testing, using the latest calibrated Norsonic sound testing equipment.
If you are unsure of the acoustic requirements on your project, please call us now on: 01525 303905 or email us at info@aptsoundtesting.co.uk