Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing
Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing
Noise damping is the most efficient and effective way to control vibration and noise radiation at the source. Damping materials lessen this noise by turning the vibration into low-grade heat. By using viscoelastic materials, it changes the resonant frequency of a substrate. By combining vibration-damping materials and sound absorbers a composite acoustic construction can be achieved, that can control both airborne and structure-borne noise – the final element for good soundproofing.

Improving Noise Damping
It is worth noting that a large number of manufacturers now produce a wide range of systems designed to improve sound insulation in homes and commercial buildings. In all instances, the effectiveness of these materials will vary depending on the situation in which they are installed. When choosing the acoustic product/s, detailed information on the likely sound insulation performance should be requested from the supplier.
If you have an existing property you should check the existing construction of the dividing wall/floor partitions and work back from there. You are advised to give careful consideration to the data supplied by a manufacturer before using a proprietary product. it is also worth noting that the sound insulation value/s given for each product will be ‘best case’ as they have been tested in laboratory conditions and not on site – this is usually a worse result by up to 3-5 dB) which may be the difference between a sound test pass or failure.
Also when undertaking remedial work to improve the sound insulation, the acoustic materials are often quite heavy which may result in considerable weight being added to the structure of a property.
Thus it is essential to check that the ceiling or floor joists can carry the increased loads satisfactorily.
So in a nutshell, if you allow for the following four main elements of sound insulation on your acoustic partition design; Decoupling, Absorption, Mass and Damping, your development should pass the sound insulation test at the first attempt.
If you would like more information in regards to acoustic design and sound insulation testing, please contact us now at info@aptsoundtesting.co.uk or call APT Sound Testing Services direct on 01525 303905.