Acoustic Consultancy Testing

Acoustic Consultancy Testing

Leading Acoustic Consultants in the UK

As leading Acoustic Consultants, we provide comprehensive turnkey solutions for all your acoustic needs, ensuring compliance with planning requirements and Building Regulations Part E. This compliance is crucial for obtaining building control sign-off for the acoustic elements of your project. Our approach guarantees that your company receives professional guidance throughout the entire process, consistently considering cost-effectiveness.

Our services begin with on-site sample sound insulation testing of existing buildings’ walls and floors. This initial step allows us to evaluate the sound insulation performance of the current dividing partitions. Once we establish the sound levels, we can proceed with targeted acoustic design to ensure compliance with Building Regulations Part E.

We support the acoustic design of your project from the initial design stage through to the pre-completion sound testing. We meticulously review the acoustic details, focusing on the mass, isolation, and absorption components of the construction.

To help our clients achieve compliance with Approved Document E, we offer a four-step acoustic design advice package:

1. Site Survey Visits

During these visits, we assess the existing site construction to identify potential issues, such as the inclusion of lightweight blocks. We also ensure that the installation teams are following the manufacturer’s guidelines for installing acoustic materials. This early intervention helps prevent problems that could arise from incorrect installation practices.

2. Sample Sound Testing

We conduct sample sound testing on the existing construction to provide an accurate assessment of the current acoustic performance of the partitions. This testing enables us to offer a targeted acoustic design that leverages the sound insulation performance of the existing structure.

3. Acoustic Design Review

We perform a thorough review of the proposed development’s party walls and floors. Our site survey visits, included in this step, allow us to evaluate the construction for potential acoustic issues and verify that the installation teams adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines for acoustic materials.

4. Pre-completion Sound Testing

To satisfy Approved Document E, we conduct pre-completion sound testing. If your local authority has requested sound insulation testing, please contact us at 01525 303905 or email

Part E Sound Insulation Testing

Since July 2003, pre-completion sound testing under Part E of Building Regulations has been mandatory. All new builds and conversions constructed after this date must have 10% of each party wall/floor type tested. Sound testing is conducted between pairs of rooms separated by party walls or floors to ensure residential developments meet acceptable noise attenuation standards.

Building Regulations Part E mandates two types of sound testing: airborne noise (e.g., sounds transmitted through the air like televisions and conversations) and impact noise (e.g., noise from impacts on the floor surface like footsteps). Conducting both types of sound testing ensures the dwelling provides reasonable resistance to sound passage.

We are a UKAS-accredited sound insulation testing laboratory, offering a proactive sound testing service and reliable reporting to achieve building control sign-off. With our extensive acoustic design experience, your project will be expertly managed from the initial design stage to the final pre-completion testing.

Site Survey Visits

Our site survey visits are designed to instill confidence in you and your contractor regarding the testing outcomes at the end of the build. These visits enable us to verify that acoustic materials are installed correctly according to manufacturers’ guidelines, preventing on-site errors that could lead to sound test failures. A compliant design can still fail due to poor workmanship; our site survey visits mitigate this risk.

We provide detailed survey reports and outline potential mitigation measures, supported by noise mapping to illustrate the effectiveness of these measures in real-life scenarios. These assessments can address noise from extraction systems, air conditioners, industrial plants, refrigeration units, and general industrial building usage.

If your local authority has requested a BS4142 Noise Assessment, please call us at 01525 303905 or email

Acoustic Consultancy Services

For more information about our Acoustic Consultancy Services, Acoustic Design, and other services, please visit our Planning Noise Survey page.

Our comprehensive approach and dedication to detail ensure that your project meets all acoustic requirements, providing you with peace of mind and professional support from start to finish.

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