Electrical Thermal Imaging Inspections

Electrical Thermal Imaging Inspections

Introducing Electrical Thermal Imaging Inspections
In recent years, facility management firms have recognised the significance of incorporating electrical infrared inspections into their predictive maintenance programs.

The utilisation of thermal imaging proves indispensable in electrical predictive maintenance initiatives, as it efficiently detects potential faults. This method facilitates rapid inspections, presenting a comprehensive view in a single image, contrasting with the traditional spot pyrometer approach that requires individual testing of fuses. This efficiency empowers maintenance teams to address issues proactively, preventing critical asset failures.

Thermal Imaging Inspections

At APT Thermal Imaging, we specialise in analysing your assets and delivering easily comprehensible thermal imaging reports that seamlessly integrate into your predictive maintenance programs. Additionally, we offer dedicated support for interpreting the data presented in the thermal inspection report, ensuring clarity in layman’s terms.

Planning Your Onsite Assessments
If you require an electrical infrared thermal imaging survey, reach out to us today. Our team of professional and certified Level 2 Thermographers conducts thorough thermographic inspections for BREEAM compliance, adhering to all relevant standards and regulations.

To provide you with a quotation, we only need a few details, such as floor plans, elevation drawings, and the building location. Alongside this, we will furnish you with an informative checklist to assist in preparing for the upcoming thermal survey.

We invest a substantial amount of time in our reportage, making it one of the industry’s finest, although this aspect of our service occurs off-site and remains unseen by clients. While initial on-site assessments may lead to preliminary conclusions that require further investigation, our ultimate findings and report are only concluded after a thorough study of all collected data. Our continual goal is to deliver reports that are lucid and easily referenceable.

For those in need of an electrical thermal imaging inspection, our team of professional and certified Level 3 Thermographers is equipped to conduct inspections in accordance with all relevant standards and current regulations. Simply provide us with essential details such as the building address and the number of electrical installations within. Including floor plans will aid us in navigating during the inspection. To assist you in preparing for the thermal survey, we’ll also send over our informative checklist.

Please contact us for more information
If you would like to contact us for more information on our thermal imaging services, please contact us on 01525 303905 or email us at info@aptsoundtesting.co.uk

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