APT Sound Testing - Telephone 01525 303905
APT Sound Testing Services

Planning Noise Surveys (PPG24)

Planning Noise Surveys (PPG24)
Have the local authority requested you undertake a PPG24 noise assessment for planning. APT Sound Testing have a huge amount of experience in dealing with PPG24 noise assessments for the planning applications for all types of developments. More often than not, noise assessments are requested in relation to the planning conditions on new build apartments, houses, or hotels. The assessment is required at the planning stage because the local authority want to ascertain what extra noise may be generated noise, by the proposed development.

This assessment normally requires existing ambient noise levels to be established, typically by undertaking measurements, and the impact of noise from the development to be established. For large developments, it is often necessary to consider secondary effects, such as the impact of increased traffic on existing roads. We undertake detailed noise modelling in order to calculate anticipated noise levels from the development. The noise model can also be used to assess the efficacy of various noise control options.

PPG 24 Noise Exposure Categories (NECs)
In the UK, Planning and Noise is currently guided by PPG 24, which defines four Noise Exposure Categories (NECs), based on the level of noise at the development. The NEC in which the site falls determines to what extent noise should be considered in the granting of planning permission. Noise can also be a planning issue when noise-sensitive development is proposed in areas that are subject to high noise levels, or are likely to be subject to high noise levels in the future. Current UK government guidance encourages the re-use of brownfield sites and these are often subject to higher noise levels than greenfield sites

The NEC(s) for a development are usually determined by monitoring noise levels. Potential mitigation options can then be assessed by calculation, and/or the use of noise modeling. Appropriate noise mitigation can then be incorporated into the development at the design stage.

For most buildings, the overall sound insulation performance of the building envelope will depend on the glazing system employed. It may be necessary to stipulate specific glazing and ventilation systems that must be employed to ensure that internal noise criteria are achieved. Most new residential development, once constructed, must have sound insulation testing undertaken in accordance with Approved Document E of the Building Regulations.

We provide full ISO compliant UKAS accredited surveys and sound testing, using the latest 'state of the art' Norsonic sound testing equipment.

If you are unsure of your projects acoustic requirements please call us now on: 01525 303905 or email us at: info@airpressuretesting.net

APT Sound Testing Services
Head Office: Sayells Farm, 7 Harlington Road, Upper Sundon, Bedfordshire, LU3 3PE

APT Sound Testing Services